Just Giving

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Handing Over The Cheque

Handing Over The Cheque
Persis, S. O'Carroll, Me, Nettie, Rachael, Zoe, Sarah


My brother, the poser

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hi Everyone...
So... exciting news!
On Sunday went shopping with my friends. All day on Saturda I was deliberating on whether I should or shouldn't take my wheelchair. I knew I would get extremely tired without it however I wanted things back to normal...when I could walk. On Sunday, my mumdropped me offin the shopping centre and then once  my friends came, she went to do some of her own shopping. I  had decided not to take the wheelchair so mum said to call her if I felt I needed it so she could go and get it. My friends and I shopped and we had a fabulous time. Though we had to sit down very frequently and our lunch was two hours to renew my energy I MANAGED IT! WITHOUT THE WHEELCHAIR! I was so proud ofmyself! My lovely friends deserve a hugeeee thank you for being so patient with me. ThanksGuys!
 I then started to walk around school on Monday a little so hopefully my legs will getstronger.
 After a good day at school I went home and everything was fine. I settleddown. I was watching tv and then suddenly my eyes started to go really blood shot. I then noticed that a few of my nails had blood seeping through and the things in my mouth that I had thought to be mouth ulcers were blood clots. I was bleeding out of every open crevices in my body...literally. Mum and I went straight to the hospital. I was bleeding a lot by this time and was given three bags of platelets early as I wasn't due them until the following day. It was pretty stressful and we got home very very late but eventually, the bleeding settled. It was a pretty frightening experience and not one I would like to have again.
 On the Tuesday, I went to school; though I did go in later than usual. I had a good morning and break time, though nearing lunch  started to feel overwhelmingly tired and a little sick. In the end, my mum had to come and collect me from school. I have been off for the past two days as I have caught a bad cold and cant keep down much. I feel a little better today however so hopefully I will be okay for school next week.
Wish me luck


Anonymous said...

Woah! A day at the shopping centre without a wheelchair? Awesome! You deserve a day of rest after that. Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Devaanshi
Long time no blogpost! Hope you are doing well. Do write when you can.

Me Now!!

Me Now!!
So differentt!