Just Giving

Just Giving
Please donate to my just giving site by clicking on the picture. Many lives can be saved thanks to your generosity.

Handing Over The Cheque

Handing Over The Cheque
Persis, S. O'Carroll, Me, Nettie, Rachael, Zoe, Sarah


My brother, the poser

Thursday, August 25, 2011

This morning, I spoke to June, Clinical nurse specialist at Great Ormond Street Hospital, on the phone today. We had a long chat about feelings and what was happening at the hospital. I feel much better and am glad I had a chat with her. I know that there is always help and support for me if I need it. June is so nice.
Haven't been too hungry but managed to eat some garlic bread. It was delicious.... I also had some pizza but the difference was that I added salt, pepper and chilli powder to it giving it a nice spicy flavour <--- saw this on one of my much admired cookery shows.

I feel so exhausted that I have slept for the majority of the day. I watched tv (never get bored of cooking shows!) and read my book in between but I just kept falling asleep. 
At 6pm when I went for antibiotics two nurses said hello which was surprising but I was pleased. Emma and Esther are always nice and pleasant...Unfortuantely, when we went into the room we saw that bed still hadnt been made. This is the fourth day running... basic hygiene is very important - especially to someone as immune deficient as myself. It is practice to make the patients bed EVERY day but this is just unhygienic. The bathroom wasnt clean either. Mum asked for it to be cleaned but she shouldnt really have to.
As we went out after the antibiotics, there were quite a few nurses at the nurses station. About five I would say. The doctor was going out in front of me and they all said bye to him however ignored me completely. This really hurt as I was hping things might get better by now. Living life is hard when youre unwell but living life with added dislike for reasns I am not sure of hurts my heart.


Bijal said...

june is very nice and helpful she has helped us a lot as well she has lot of patience and deals systematically on any complex matter i like her i am happy for you things are better and smiles are good. take care


Thanks Bijal...and thanks also for keeping up with my thoughts and feelings in this blog

Me Now!!

Me Now!!
So differentt!