Just Giving

Just Giving
Please donate to my just giving site by clicking on the picture. Many lives can be saved thanks to your generosity.

Handing Over The Cheque

Handing Over The Cheque
Persis, S. O'Carroll, Me, Nettie, Rachael, Zoe, Sarah


My brother, the poser

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birthdays... they couldn't get much better than this!

Hello Everybody....
So... I've been unwell on and off recently. I’ll be fine minute and terrible the next. It is pretty annoying. I also seem to be finding myself coughing quite a lot - I always have a cough but this cough beats all others. I am also getting very exhausted all the time and pretty lethargic. On Friday I felt really unwell and had to go to my local Harrow hospital. I was pretty frightened for I had restricted breathing. I was sick about 15 times before the doctor came in after they had finished the whole of ward round (when they visit all patients in the children ward). I was so panicky but I had no energy to say anything due to my stomach pains, the constant vomiting and the pain. After a little while, my mum went to check if any nurses were around, as the oxygen mask had not been set up in the room. I found this quite odd considering that I do have lung disease however maybe they just didn't remember. That day, Johnny from X Factor was on the ward so I assume they all had to get pictures and autographs before they could attend to patients. In the end, I got Intravenous fluids and I'm sure I had instant morphine and medazalam ( very strong form of morphine - contributes to pain relief, and are, controlled drugs) - (calming medicine to make you relax).
I was petrified.
I’ll be back to blog more later... love you and leave you for the moment
Though the weather is cold, yucky and gloomy – If you see a smile it’ll cheer up your day.
# Smile at someone today and see the difference you make 

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Me Now!!

Me Now!!
So differentt!